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Wonderful things coming ahead, stay tuned!


I would like you to watch the video and read the information below.

When you are ready, please send me your feedback and answer my questions on the right!

Thank you!
1. After watching the video and reading the text, would you join us?

2. If not, what are the reasons not to?

3. Would you consider joining, what would you like to know more about?

4. Is the message clear enough?

5. Any suggestions or other feedback?


I’m excited to share that I’ve really been learning a lot about The Blockchain. Each week I watch a show here.

I've decided to become a Micro Entrepreneur in an emerging Blockchain Ecosystem. Here is an article on the Forbes Website. The Company that is building the digital platform is called CrowdPoint Technologies.

It is a startup, so there is always going to be a risk. But so far, it is looking very promising. The company is looking for people like us to help them get the word out.

You can learn more here: Discover CrowdPoint Technologies

Answers to any questions you might have can be found here.

Coming soon!

Stay tuned!

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